DCMO (Diffuse Capillary Malformation with Overgrowth)

DCMO, as described by Margaret S. Lee et al, has been proposed as an independent entity within the wide spectrum of vascular abnormalities associated with overgrowth. It is distinguished by erythematous-purplish stains, with a narrow network morphology than can go with a more homogeneous or plain macules. It has a diffuse distribution, extending minimum beyond one anatomic region, and neither atrophy nor ulcers are present. It has been observed a midline sharply demarcation on the abdomen, but never on the back. The associated overgrowth is a diffuse proportional enlargement of a body region, most commonly of a limb, that does not progress, accordingly vascular or infectious complications will not take place. The skin vascular malformations frequently lighten over the first several months, however less intense than CMTC.

This recently proposed designation describes patients with an extensive, diffuse, reticulate capillary malformation and variable, but proportionate, hypertrophy without any major complications. A reticulate capillary malformation is defined as network-like, blotchy, nonuniform in color, and without distinct borders. This is in contradiction to the darker “geographic” stains observed in KTS. These patients do not fit the diagnostic criteria of the other disorders marked by capillary malformations and overgrowth such as KTS or Parkes-Weber syndrome. Patients still require periodic evaluation to monitor for leg length discrepancy. They exhibit normal neurologic development and proportionate overgrowth rather than progressive, disproportionate symmetry.

Lee MS, Liang MG, Mulliken JB. Diffuse capillary malformation with overgrowth: a clinical subtype of vascular anomalies with hypertrophy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2013;69:589–594.

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